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Apparently no attorneys were involved - which you appear to have correct. After registration, members are required to prime between 100-200 personality issues are used to analyze your compatibility with other members and recommended your matches. I've immediately spoken to both first and male features get pregnant dating site were looking because they delightful to have shocks but their administration didn't. Page 1 of 2I tout listened to NPR's weekend news show, and had a good laugh. How to have a child when you are in a same-sex couple. The great advantage of online dating at is that you can meet someone like-minded, somebody who shares your interests and points of file. Pregnancy Dating, See What The Rave is About If you did not know, single pregnant women love to date because their sexual drive is at a maximum.

Page 1 of 2 , I just listened to NPR's weekend news show, and had a good laugh. Apparently, there are women avoiding the expense of sperm banks by going to a variety of websites I won't mention names, but apparently there's hope for the guys here not getting attention where men will agree to donate.... The show interviewed an 18 yr old gal, told by her doc that she has some ovary issue that may make her fertile by her 20's, so she's got mom's permission to be looking around these sites. They interviewed one donor who's hooked up with seven women, tho he realizes there's some abuse of the system out there, and of course he's only doing it to help people. I'm sure some will vote to boot this thread for obviousness, but I'll ask anyway.... There was a case in Ohio recently where two lesbians put an ad on Craigslist seeking a donor. Donor was paid for his 'efforts'. Agreements between the consenting adults were signed. Pregnant lesbian sought welfare from the state. Guess who the state went after for support? Final verdict from the courts? The parties agreements were not signed in the presence of an ATTORNEY. So yeah, be careful where you make your deposits. It would be great for some dude who is sterile this does not mean he doesn't have testicles or testosterone , and cannot form enough sperm to impregnate a woman; then he can have a FIELD DAY, banging women left and right, because nothing will happen. But for most guys, once you impregnante a woman, then the laws that govern apply! Sperm banks operate under lawful guidelines, and those who donate won't know the recipient and he will remain anonymous at all times. The mother of the child will always have legal recourse. I think it's yet another example of a very old human activity with a slightly new face put on it. From what I've heard and seen, women who wanted to get preggers and didn't care who the father was have been doing it since they figured out how to do it. All in all, no big woop. I'm sure that there will be people who have long standing agendas of one kind or another will herald this as yet more proof that they are right, as such folks always do. Someone will claim that it proves that the US is in a state of moral decline. Someone will claim that it proves that the internet is the Devil. Someone will say that it's a plot by all these women to get more money from the government whether any of them are actually doing so or not... I have yet to have run across a fanatic who cared about facts , and so on. All the usual stuff. I have more pressing matters to concern myself with. I'd tell the gracious donor's to be wary indeed. There was a case in Ohio recently where two lesbians put an ad on Craigslist seeking a donor. Donor was paid for his 'efforts'. Agreements between the consenting adults were signed. Pregnant lesbian sought welfare from the state. Guess who the state went after for support? Final verdict from the courts? The parties agreements were not signed in the presence of an ATTORNEY. So yeah, be careful where you make your deposits. Actually I think you're wrong there Clooney. If I recall it correctly the papers were drawn up by an attorney his , and presumably signed in the presence of one or more , any good attorney would insist on that. The problem was that the state law insists that a doctor be involved... I dunno how they did it, the turkey baster approach? I'd tell the gracious donor's to be wary indeed. There was a case in Ohio recently where two lesbians put an ad on Craigslist seeking a donor. Donor was paid for his 'efforts'. Agreements between the consenting adults were signed. Pregnant lesbian sought welfare from the state. Guess who the state went after for support? Final verdict from the courts? The parties agreements were not signed in the presence of an ATTORNEY. So yeah, be careful where you make your deposits. Actually I think you're wrong there Clooney. Actually, there's a few things wrong. Apparently no attorneys were involved - which you appear to have correct. Don't understand that being a factor.

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