Hinge dating app cities

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Hinge is growing fast, and it's worth getting to know it. The average user has 36 Facebook friends on Hinge, she said. Their new profile format is fun and it is great to file with users by commenting on their profile pics and interests, but it is still just as easy to scroll quickly through a profile and judge someone just as quickly as other apps. But has the relaunch worked. Best of all, using Tingle is FREE. Practically, that gusto it can't offer the endless pool that exists on sites like Tinder. They have also repositioned themselves as an app for people seeking long-term relationships rather than hook ups. It's similar to Tinder, but draws from friends of Facebook friends and sometimes friends of friends of friends to print matches in your geographic area.

Founder Justin McLeod got the idea while finishing up at Harvard Business School. Hinge launched in February, and was with including 500 Startups and Piedmont Capital. McLeod tells me there are 110,000 single college grads in the city, and over 20,000 are active on Hinge. The app is focused on the dense network of young professionals and grad students that are starting to think about settling down. Not quite into your soul, but at least into your Facebook profile. And the result is a ton of transparency and tailored matches that give people the confidence to progress online flirting to an in-person encounter. Act sleazy and people can track you down. Hinge makes your age, mutual friends, school, and work place immediately visible. Hinge has been watching to see what kinds of people who get matched actually end up messaging each other. Did they go to the same kind of school? Have the same kind of job? Eventually, McLeod tells me Hinge will look to monetize through premium subscriptions that give you more insight into who is checking you out, or put you in front of more potential dates. In the end, Hinge is about taking the clunky but accurate old class of dating apps into the modern age. It just needs to know a few biographical traits and your social graph. We want to be the disrupters.

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