Online dating sites market share

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Our market research gives you the tools to win new business and keep existing clients. They control 25% of all online dating services by market share. Sin operators typically have few labor requirements because it is possible to service a large client base with only one or two employees. On the other hand, missing estimates is a negative earnings surprise and can tank a stock. All investments involve risk and the past performance of a social, or financial product does not guarantee future results or returns. The biggest issue is that, when the apps work and people find partners, they stop using the service. Asset allocation and diversification does not necessarily eliminate the risk of experiencing investment loss. And the rapid glad in online dating is as online dating sites market share about money as it is love. As a result, dating apps must be adept at acquiring new customers. Your account is with Apex who serves as the clearing agent and IRA Custodian. Other challenges facing the market include fake online profiles, social traffic, database breaches, and privacy safeguards to protect users. When both people like what they see, a connection is made.

This podcast was recorded on July 8, 2016. Dylan Lewis: So we're talking about the online dating market today. I think it's a very interesting market. Some interesting stats, just to set us off, set some background here: Use of online dating sites or apps by 18- to 24-year-olds has tripled since 2013. Apparently, 15% of American adults have used online dating sites and apps, according to Pew Research. One in 10 American adults spends more than an hour a day on a dating app, according to Nielsen data. So there's clearly a lot of people using it. I think any time you have this broad stroke interest in a category, naturally, investors are curious as to what's going on. So before we dive into one of the big companies involved in the space, do you want to paint a picture in terms of some industry numbers for the average users, and the size of this market? The industry is actually pretty large. There doesn't seem to be much analyst opinion on the industry so far, but we'll go in to talk about that later, because I think it's because people haven't been able to play the industry so well. So it has scope to grow. They're getting massively into Tinder particularly, and other online dating. And the market segment is mostly dominated by the 25- to 34-year-old category, at 33%, closely followed by 35- to 44-year-olds. So it's actually not the younger people who you would expect to be dominating the market, although they certainly are active in it. They control 25% of all online dating services by market share. That is more than twice the next largest competitor, which is eHarmony, which is just under 12%. And then no one else in the space occupies more than 5%. And there's actually an industry magazine, it's called Online Dating Magazine, and they pose it that there are, worldwide, 8,000 online dating websites and apps created every year, and only 1% of these are successful. So that just shows you the amount of people that are jumping on this bandwagon. The Motley Fool recommends Match Group. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a.

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